Liposuction without a scalpel!

 30 minutes

from 600 PLN



Aqualyx is a preparation that does not contain phosphatidylcholine. The main, substances that act on the fat cell are detergents (sodium deoxycholate type). Thanks to the detergent, the process of adipocytolysis is possible, as it causes fat dissolution and destroys the cell membrane. Aqualyx injected into subcutaneous tissue causes the breakdown of fat cells, which are metabolized in the liver and excreted from the body through the kidneys.


The Aqualyx procedure involves administering the product directly into the subcutaneous tissue through insertion (usually 2 injections) using special cannulas. The advantage of this method is the small number of injections, which reduces pain, reduces the risk of bruising and skin damage. The procedure using this technique is virtually painless (anesthesia is added to the Aqualyx solution) and takes about 30 minutes.


The effects are most evident in patients who are of sufficient weight or slightly overweight with localized fatty tissue. Especially for areas that do not reduce despite exercise and diet : hips, breeches, inner side of knees.


● Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
● Cancer diseases
● Acute kidney and liver diseases
● Diabetes mellitus
● Thyroid diseases
● Abnormal blood clotting
● Constant use of blood-thinning drugs
● Autoimmune diseases (e.g., MS, psoriasis, vitiligo).


Before the procedure, body measurements and photographic documentation are taken. This procedure requires no special preparation.


The patient can immediately return to daily activities. A burning sensation, slight itching, increased warmth of the area and tenderness of the treatment site are felt. These are natural side effects indicative of the effectiveness and action of Aqualyx. Redness and swelling may be noticeable for a few days after the procedure. The aforementioned body reactions subside spontaneously. As with all injectable treatments, hematomas may appear at the injection site after Aqualyx treatment.

Number of amps Price
1 amp 600 PLN
2 amp 1000 PLN
4 amp 1600 PLN


In the '90s, in Brazil and then in Italy, phosphatidylcholine solution (the drug Lipostabil - much earlier used in general medicine) was first used in aesthetic procedures, reduction of fat bags of the lower eyelid and removal of yellow tufts and lipomas (Prof. S. Maggiori - Italy). From the very beginning, treatments using phosphatidylcholine solution were incorrectly called INJECTIONAL LIPOLYSIS. It was thought that the main active ingredient was phosphatidylcholine and that it caused a reduction in fat cell volume (the process of lipolysis). In reality, it was a completely different agent and a completely different process that caused fat reduction. Research conducted in 2005, by a team of doctors led by Prof. Motolese (Italy), showed that the substance that acts on fat tissue in phosphatidylcholine solution is not phosphatidylcholine itself but sodium deoxycholate - a powerful substance that leads to the complete destruction of fat cells. On the basis of this research, in 2007, Prof. Motolese began work on a new preparation that was designed to work by completely destroying the fat cell, i.e. to induce adipocytolysis, not lipolysis as was thought. This work led to the development of a new injection technique, Intralipotherapy®, and a preparation, Aqualyx. Aqualyx is a solution without phosphatidylcholine, in which detergents (of the sodium deoxycholate type) are the main substances acting on the fat cell. The detergent dissolves fat and destroys the cell membrane - the process of adipocytolysis takes place. Aqualyx injected into fat tissue causes the destruction of fat cells, which are transported to the liver and excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Aqualyx is the world's only medical material registered with the CE mark for the reduction of locally accumulated fat, exclusively by the intralipotherapy® injection technique. Additional safety is guaranteed to the patient by the fact that only physicians who have received specialized training are authorized to perform such procedures, a rule that is strictly observed by the Polish distributor Fenice of Warsaw.

Remember, Aqualyx is not a replacement for liposuction. It is a much gentler procedure, is distinguished by its non-surgical procedure, much less trauma to the body and does not exclude the patient from daily functioning.

To learn more about Aqualyx, please visit Aqualyx.com.pl. There you will also find patient reviews of the offered treatment.

Aqualyx is the only registered treatment for injectable fat removal, and the intralipotherapy® method has been recognized as the safest injectable technique for reducing subcutaneous tissue. Aqualyx is the non-surgical equivalent of liposuction.

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